The psychological approach that emphasizes the role of the environment in influencing behavior is

  1. the discipline concerned with behavior and mental processes and how they are affected by an organism's physical state, mental state, and external environment.


  2. Relying on evidence gathered by careful observation, experimentation, or measurement

    Empirical Evidence

  3. The ability and willingness to assess claims and make objective judgements on the basis of well supported reasons rather than emotion and anecdote

    Critical Thinking

  4. Phrenology is greek for...

    "Study of the mind"

  5. -A theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy, originally formulated by Sigmund Freud
    -Emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts


  6. Theories that explain behavior and personality it terms of unconscious energy dynamics within an individual

    Psychodynamic Theories

  7. A psychological approach that emphasizes social and cultural influences on behavior

    Sociocultural Perspective

  8. Psychological approach that focuses on how bodily events affect behavior, feelings and thoughts

    Biological Perspective

  9. This perspective involves:
    -Brain Chemistry
    -Evolutionary Influences

    Biological Perspective

  10. Psychological approach that is concerned with how the environment and experience affect a person's or non human animal's actions

    Learning Perspective

  11. This perspective involves:
    -Social Cognitive Learning Theories

    Learning Perspective

  12. Psychological approach that emphasizes what goes on in peoples heads and their thought processes

    Cognitive Perspective

  13. This perspective involves:
    -Social psychology or the study of rules, roles, groups and relationships
    -cultural psychology

    Sociocultural Perspective

  14. Psychological approach that emphasizes social and cultural forces outside the individual

    Sociocultural Perspective

  15. Psychological approach that emphasizes unconscious dynamics within the individual, such as inner forces, conflicts, or the movement of instinctual energy

    Psychodynamic Perspective

  16. This perspective involves:
    -Unconscious thoughts, desires conflicts

    Psychodynamic Perspective

  17. Psychological approach that emphasizes personal growth and the achievement of human potential, rather than the scientific understanding of human behavior

    Humanist Psychology

  18. This perspective involves:
    -Rejected behaviorism and psychoanalysis
    -emphasized creativity and achieving potential

    Humanist Psychology

  19. Psychological approach analyzing the influence of social inequities on gender relations and on the behavior of the two sexes

    Feminist Psychology

  20. This perspective involves:
    -recognized years of male bias in data collection and psychotherapy
    -questions the use of research in justifying women's lower status or elevating women's status

    Feminist Psychology

  21. Research in areas of basic or applied psychology
    -Educational psychologists
    -Developmental psychologists
    -Industrial/organizational psychologists

    Academic/Research Psychologists

  22. These psychologists help people deal with problems associated with everyday life

    Counseling psychologists

  23. These psychologists work with parents, students, and teachers to enhance student performance

    School Psychologists

  24. These psychologists diagnose and study mental or emotional problems

    Clinical Psychologists

  25. Clinical psychologists are not...

    • 1. Psychotherapists
    • 2. Psychoanalysts
    • 3. Psychiatrists

  26. medical doctors who diagnose and treat mental disorders


  27. A group of participants that accurately represents the larger population that the researcher is interested in

    Representative Sample

  28. A sample of people who happen to be available

    Convenience sample/ random assignment

  29. Methods that yield descriptions of behavior, but not necessarily casual explanations

    Descriptive Methods

  30. Examples of this method include:
    -Case studies
    -Observational studies
    -Psychological Tests

    Descriptive Methods

  31. A detailed description of a particular person being studied or treated
    (most commonly used by researchers)

    Case Studies

  32. Researchers carefully and systematically observe and record behavior without interfering

    Observational Studies

  33. Purpose is to observe how people or animals behave in their natural environments

    Naturalistic Observational Study

  34. Purpose is to observe how people or animals behave in a more controlled setting

    Laboratory Observational Study

  35. Procedures used to measure and evaluate personality traits, emotional states, aptitudes, interests, abilities, and values
    (These can be objective or projective)

    Psychological Tests

  36. Characteristics of a good Psychological Test are:

    • 1. Standardization
    • 2. Reliability
    • 3. Validity

  37. Measures what intends


  38. yields consistent results


  39. In test construction, established standards of performance


  40. The test broadly represents the trait in question

    Content validity

  41. The test predicts other measures of the trait in question

    Criterion Validity

  42. Questionares and interviews that ask people about experiences, attitudes, or opinions


  43. Surveys require a ____________ sample


  44. volunteers who participate may differ from those who did not volunteer

    volunteer bias

  45. A descriptive study that looks for a consistent relationship between the two phenomena

    Correlational Study

  46. A statistical measure of the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables


  47. An association between increases in on variable and increases in another, or decreases in one variable and decreases in the other

    Positive correlation

  48. an association between increases in one variable and decreases in another

    negative correlations

  49. A controlled test of a hypothesis in which the researcher manipulates one variable to discover its effect on another


  50. variable the experimenter manipulates

    independent variable

  51. Variable that are affected by the independent variable; what is measured

    Dependent Variable

  52. a comparison condition in which subjects are not exposed to the same treatment as in the experimental condition

    Control condition

  53. an inactive substance or fake treatment


  54. statistical procedures that organize and summarize research data

    Descriptive Statistics

  55. They receive no treatment

    Control Group

  56. subjects of different ages are compared at a single time

    Cross-sectional studies

  57. subjects are periodically assessed over a period of time

    Longitudinal studies

  58. Only time you can say something caused you to do something


  59. experimental group gets the _________ variable


  60. events that effect a generation

    cohort effect

  61. believed that his patients symptoms had mental, not physical cases

    sigmund freud (psychoanalysis)

  62. Four perspectives of psychological science:

    • 1. biological
    • 2. Learning
    • 3. Cognitive
    • 4. Sociocultural

  63. emphasized the function or purpose of behavior, as opposed to analysis and description

    Functionalism (William James)

  64. These people ask how and why and believed the brain and mind are constantly changing


  65. hoped to analyze sensations, images, and feelings


  66. discredited theory that different brain areas account for specific character and personality traits, which can be "read" from bumps on the skull


  67. observed that people do not become angry, sad, or anxious because of actual events, but because of their explanations of those events

    Stoic Philosophers

  68. Founder of modern medicence


  69. argued that the mind works by associating ideas arising from experience, and this notion continues to influence many psychologists today

    John Locke

Which psychological perspective focuses on bodily events in their effects on behavior feelings and thoughts?

The Biological Perspective The biological perspective focuses on how bodily events affect behavior, feelings, and thoughts.

Which of the following is a psychological perspective that emphasizes the personal growth and potential of all people?

The Humanistic Perspective The humanistic perspective emphasizes the role of motivation in thought and behavior. Concepts such as self-actualization are essential. Psychologists with a humanist perspective focus on what drives humans to grow, change, and develop their personal potential.

What perspective is a psychological approach that emphasizes bodily events?

Psychology Chapters 1-2.

Which approach to personality emphasizes personal growth and meaning of human experience?

The humanistic approach emphasizes the personal worth of the individual, the centrality of human values, and the creative, active nature of human beings.