Which of the following personal characteristics does not influence the engineering design process?

Presentation on theme: "The Engineering Design Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Engineering Design Process

2 Defining Science Defining Technology The Scientific Method The Engineering Design Process Definition The Engineering Design Process – 12 Steps Chart The Engineering Design Process – An Iterative Path - Video The Engineering Design Process Q & A The Engineering Design Process – 5 Steps - Assignment The Engineering Design Process – An Iterative Path - Assignment The Engineering Design Process – 12 Steps - Assignment The End

3 Defining Science Science: Systematic knowledge of the physical or natural world gained through observation and experimentation. Focuses on how and why things happen. Scientists answer questions.

4 Defining Technology Technology: Application of knowledge to solve practical problems or to change/manipulate the human environment. Focuses on making things happen. Engineers solve problems.

5 The Scientific Method The Scientific Method is a linear method for conducting an investigation that involves making an observation and performing an experiment to test a hypothesis. Make an Observation Propose a Hypothesis Design an Experiment Test the Hypothesis Accept or Reject the Hypothesis Revise the Hypothesis or Draw Conclusions Technology: Application of knowledge to solve practical problems or to change/manipulate the human environment. Focuses on making things happen. Engineers solve problems.

6 The Engineering Design Process
The Engineering Design Process is a systematic, iterative problem- solving method that produces solutions to meet human needs and wants. Systematically applies mathematics and science to produce tangible products that meet human needs or wants.

7 The Engineering Design Process (12 Steps)
Step 1. Define Problem Step 2. Brainstorm Possible Solutions Step 3. Research Ideas/Explore Possibilities Step 4. Specify Constraints and Identify Criteria Step 5. Consider Alternative Solutions Step 6. Select and Approach Step 7. Develop a Written Design Proposal Step 8. Make a Model/Prototype Step 9. Test and Evaluate Step 10. Refine and Improve Step 11. Create/Make Product Step 12. Communicate Results

8 The Engineering Design Process (Iteration)
The Engineering Design Process follows an Iterative Path


10 Question One The Scientific Method is a/an: undefined linear procedure
defined circular procedure undefined circular procedure defined linear procedure

11 Question Two The Engineering Design Process is used to:
increase human knowledge and understanding of the world. prove theories about technological processes. provide solutions to human needs and wants. simplify human endeavors.

12 Question Three In science, you form a hypothesis; in engineering, you:
identify criteria define a problem brainstorm build a prototype

13 Question Four In science, you report your results; in engineering, you: communicate the process define a problem brainstorm build a prototype

14 Question Five By defining the problem, the designer has clearly identified the following: how to solve the problem the criteria related to the problem the constraints related to the problem what the solution should address

15 Question Six The systematic application of mathematical, scientific and technical principles is ________. a. sociological design b. scientific design c. engineering design d. psychological design

16 Question Seven The process of checking to see if a solution to a problem already exists is called: research brainstorming testing optimizing

17 Question Eight The Engineering Design Process follows?
a defined circular path a defined linear path an iterative path a non-repetitive path

18 Question Nine Design portfolios, design journals, drawings and schematics are all used to: evaluate communicate test optimize

19 Question Ten A common type of computer software used to analyze data is: word processor software spreadsheet software computer assisted design software graphic design software

20 Question Eleven Specific, goal-directed research conducted by a company to design new inventions/innovations is called ____. engineering design research and development experimentation technology transfer

21 Question Twelve During the engineering design process, data is collected at various points. During which phase is data not collected? a. evaluating the solution b. brainstorming solutions c. testing the solution d. research and development

22 Question Thirteen Which of the following personal characteristics does not influence the engineering design process? creativity sensitivity ability to visualize imagination

23 Question Fourteen Engineers, architects and others who engage in design to solve practical problems, use ____. mathematical applications and intuition scientific knowledge and intuition intuition and parental advice scientific knowledge and mathematical applications

24 Question Fifteen Engineering design principles are used to evaluate designs according to flexibility, balance, function and ____. proportion ethics economics historical significance

25 Question Sixteen When designers make compromises during the engineering design process, the result is often _______. Additional criteria more constraints increased efficiency a trade-off

26 Answer One

27 Answer Two

28 Answer Three

29 Answer Four

30 Answer Five

31 Answer Six

32 Answer Seven

33 Answer Eight

34 Answer Nine

35 Answer Ten

36 Answer Eleven

37 Answer Twelve

38 Answer Thirteen

39 Answer Fourteen

40 Answer Fifteen

41 Answer Sixteen

42 The End

What does the engineering design process follow?

The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineers follow to find a solution to a problem. The steps include problem solving processes such as, for example, determining your objectives and constraints, prototyping, testing and evaluation.

What is the engineering design process quizlet?

The Engineering Design Process is a systematic problem solving strategy, with criteria and constraints, that is used to develop many possible solutions to a problem, so as to satisfy human needs and wants.

What is a common type of computer software used to analyze data?

BI software is the most widely used form of data analysis software.

During which step of the engineering design process would you utilize a decision matrix?

Step 2 of the Design Process- Gathering of ideas and narrowing it down using a decision matrix to determine the best design for the solution.