Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?
Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?
Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

Answer Key to Darwin's Finches

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

3. Specific data that supports each postulate:

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

Individuals within a population vary in their traits.

Supported by:
Figure 1: Histogram of distribution of beak depth of medium ground finches

Figure 2: Relationship between beak depth of offspring and their parents

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

Some of these variable traits are heritable -- passed on to offspring.

Supported by:
Figure 2: Relationship between beak depth of offspring and their parents

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

More offspring are produced than can survive because of limited resources such as food and nesting sites.

Supported by:
Figure 3: Changes in Geospiza fortis population and seed abundance on Daphne Major, before and after the drought of 1977

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

Individuals with advantageous traits will survive and reproduce.

Supported by:
Figure 1: Histogram of distribution of beak depth of medium ground finches

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

4. Answers to questions:

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

How do you know that finches' beak depth is heritable?
You can see from Figure 2 that there is a correlation between the parents' and offsprings' beak size.

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

How did the finch population change from before the drought to after?
According to Figure 1, the average beak depth increased in size and the finch population had more finches with greater beak depths in 1978 than before the drought.

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

Why do you think the average beak depth of the birds increased?Because the drought reduced the number of seeds and finches with bigger beaks were able to eat the larger and harder seeds so more of them survived.

Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?
Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?
Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?
Which of the following was the average beak size of the finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

Asked by lucylu242

Discuss which characteristic you anticipate will be most significant in allowing the finches to survive in the new dry environment.

Your answer:

In the Summers of 1976 and 1978, on the island of Daphne Major, Peter and Rosemary Grant collected as many birds as the could, in both 1976 before a drought hit and in 1978 after a severe drought.

They measured the beak size of each medium ground finch, and tallied up how many birds of each had beaks that size. E.g. in 1976 one bird had a 7.5 mm beak depth, while the same year, 3 birds had a 10.25 mm beak depth.

Two graphs show the beak depths (in mm) of the finches that did not survive the drought, and of the finches that did survive the drought on the island of Daphne Major.

Image transcription text

Beak Depths of 50 Medium Ground Finches That Did Not Survive the Drought LO Non-survivors - - Mean = 9.11 mm Standard Deviation (s) = 0.88 Number of Birds W 10.25 10.5 10.7 11.25 18.5 11.75 Beak Depth (mm) Beak Depths of 50 Medium Ground Finches That Survived the Drought 10 Survivors = =Mean = 9.67 mm Standard Deviation (s) = 0.84 7 Number of Birds 6 5 7.75 8.75 10.25 10.5 10.78 1 1 11.25 11.5 11.75 Beak Depth (mm)

... Show more


Compare the two graphs of the beaks of the finches that did and did not survive the drought

What trend can you observe about average beak depth?

Your answer:

The next two graphs show the beak depths (in mm) of the offspring in 1976 and 1978, a total of 100 medium ground finches, on the island of

Daphne Major, before and after the drought.

Make some observations about the trend of the two graphs by considering these questions.

  • Tell what factor is counted each year. 
  • Which two beak sizes were most abundant in the birds before the drought?
  • Which beak size was most abundant in the offspring of birds that did survive the drought?

Use your observations, together with the two graphs, to make a comparison about the average beak size for the population of medium ground finches before and after the drought.

Your answers:

Peter and Rosemary Grant recorded data from over 1000 different finches. However, the graphs show data regarding only 100 individuals of a population. Suggest some the advantages and disadvantages of using this data set.

Your answer:

After the drought another set of data showed that the surviving finches had slightly longer wings and slightly larger bodies. Yet, Peter and Rosemary Grant stated that the trait that made the difference for the survival of the population was beak depth. Explain this statement.

Your answer:

After analyzing data compare it to your expectation? 

Your answer:

In 1983, it rained ten times more than normal. The island was overrun by vines that covered even the cactus. This changed vegetation caused the larger seeds became scarce. 

In this scenario, predict which beak shape will have an advantage for finches to eat and, therefore, to survive and reproduce?

Your answer:

Make a prediction about the average beak size in the population of medium ground finch in the year immediately after a very rainy year, compared to the years right after the drought occurred.

Your answer:

Answer & Explanation

Solved by verified expert

Answered by ahmadah2254

<p>ce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat</p> Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet

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  • tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur
  • ctum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum
  • congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus
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  • ctum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a mol

Student review

100% (1 rating)

Which of the following statements best explains the change in the size and composition of the population of finches after the drought?

Which of the following statements best explains the changes in the size and composition of the population of finches after the drought? he total number of finches in the population increased, and the smaller-beaked finches were more successful in the drier environment.

What is the primary food of the medium ground finch on the island Daphne Major?

The medium ground finch has a stubby beak and eats mostly seeds.

What happened to the medium ground finch population on Daphne Major island in the late 1970s?

During 1977 there was a major drought on Daphne Major and many of the plants on the island produced few or no seeds. The medium ground finch population, which depends on seeds for food, declined drastically from about 1400 individuals to a few hundred in just over two years.

How did the population of medium ground finches on the island of Daphne Major change as a result of environmental changes?

How did the population of medium ground finches on the island of Daphne Major change as a result of environmental changes? drought occurred-> decrease in food supply->competition between finches-> loss of 80% medium finches.