Which role is the nurse expected to have in a community based nursing practice if there is a sudden spread of malaria?

There are four types of hearing loss:
Conductive Hearing LossHearing loss caused by something that stops sounds from getting through the outer or middle ear. This type of hearing loss can often be treated with medicine or surgery.
Sensorineural Hearing LossHearing loss that occurs when there is a problem in the way the inner ear or hearing nerve works.
Mixed Hearing LossHearing loss that includes both a conductive and a sensorineural hearing loss.
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum DisorderHearing loss that occurs when sound enters the ear normally, but because of damage to the inner ear or the hearing nerve, sound isn't organized in a way that the brain can understand.

Client B is diagnosed with a retraction in the tympanic membrane, causing obstruction to sound wave transmission. Damaged cochlear hair results in decreased sensory perception. Therefore, this client is characterized by a mixed conductive-sensorineural type of hearing loss. Client A is diagnosed with inflammation in the tympanic membrane resulting in retraction or bulging of the tympanic membrane, leading to obstruction of sound wave transmission thereby causing conductive hearing loss. The type of hearing loss diagnosed in client C is characterized as sensorineural hearing loss, as there is damage to the vestibulocochlear cranial nerve. Client D is diagnosed with fused bony ossicles, which obstructs sound wave transmission thereby causing conductive hearing loss.Test-Taking Tip: Chart/exhibit items present a situation and a variety of objective and subjective information about the client in formats such as the medical record (e.g., laboratory test results, results of diagnostic procedures, progress notes, healthcare provider orders, medication administration record, and health history), physical assessment data, and notes about client interactions. After analyzing the information presented, the test taker answers the question. These questions usually reflect the analyzing level of cognitive thinking.

Osteomyelitis is a severe infection of the bone, bone marrow, and surrounding soft tissue. Tendon rupture can occur with use of the fluoroquinolones. Therefore client B, prescribed ciprofloxacin, is at risk for Achilles tendon rupture. Client A, prescribed gentamicin, is at risk for visual and hearing problems. Client C, prescribed cefazolin, is at risk for severe watery diarrhea and mouth sores. Client D, prescribed tobramycin, is at risk for nephrotoxicity.Test-Taking Tip: Chart/exhibit items present a situation and ask a question. A variety of objective and subjective information is presented about the client in formats such as the medical record (e.g., laboratory test results, results of diagnostic procedures, progress notes, healthcare provider orders, medication administration record, health history), physical assessment data, and assistant/client interactions. After analyzing the information presented, the test taker answers the question. These questions usually reflect the analyzing level of cognitive thinking.In a clinical exam, you may be expected to select instruments, arrange instruments, and/or perform some other task. Acquaint yourself with the physical facility. If the required procedures are not clear to you, ask for clarification.

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What role do nurses play in the community?

Nurses play an essential role in society today by being advocates for health promotion, educating the public and patients on preventing injury and illnesses, participating in rehabilitation, and providing care and support.

Which role is the community

- One of the most important responsibilities of community-based nurses is to maintain current information about health and social services available within the community and match patients with services in-line with the patient's unique needs and preferences.

How does the nurse play the role of change agent in a community

Rationale: The nurse acts as a change agent by identifying and implementing new and more effective approaches to problems. As a change agent, the nurse can empower individuals and their families to creatively solve problems or become instrumental in creating change within a health care agency.

What is the most important role of the community health nurse?

The primary role of community health nurses is to provide treatment to patients. Additionally, community health nurses offer education to community members about maintaining their health so that they can decrease the occurrence of diseases and deaths.