Which sociological perspective emphasizes the distribution of power and the allocation of resources?

SOC 1111

Intro Sociology

Minnesota State Community and Technical - Detroit

The systematic study of the relationship between individuals and society and the consequences of difference

We live in a country that emphasizes?

The individual and tends to look for reasons for action adn events "within the individual" i.e. Psychology

The consequences of difference

how resouces are distributed and the consequences of those distributions

One of sociology's main tasks is to?

Reveal and report the degree of social inequality

Condition in which members of society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige, or power

Wealth, prestige, and/or power will effect the amount of?

Valuable resources (jobs education) someone will have.

How do sociologists look at the world?

1). Look for the general in the particular
2). SOciologist look at the "strange-ness" in the familiar
3). Examine personal choice in a social context

What does it mean when sociologists look for the general in the particular?

General pattern of behavior of a particular group or category of people. Common occurencies. How people act
-Step outside what is familiar and question "why?"

What does it mean when sociologists look at the "strange-ness" in the familiar

Require we look at things like an outsider would.
Assesing what we take for granted every day.
Ex. Hanburger as a miricle
-What other might look really "strange to an outsider?

What does it mean when sociologists examine personal choice in a social context?

How can society affect individual choices
-Durkheims research on suicide.

Durkheims research on suicide

-Looked at rates of suicide in the mid 1800's in England, France, and Denmark
-Studied a very private act and showed how social forces influnece behavior

Who did Durkheim claim was at higher risk for suicide?

Men, Prodistent, and Single

What are the four types of suicde Durkheim came up with?

1. Altruistic
2. Egoistic
3 Anomic
4. Fatalistc

Too much integration into a society or group. Ex. Lose all their own identity. Connection to group is stronger than to themselves.
Ex. Cult

Not enough integration into a society or group.
Ex. Depression, trapped on an island

Not enough regulations. New norms or rules.
Ex. Guy who got released from prison after 50 years

Too much regulation. No life of ones own. Ex. Prision, slavery

Personal needs, problems, or difficulties that can be explained only in terms of personal shortcomings

A matter that can only be explained by factors outside an individuals control and immediate envirorment
ex. Think about someone who was fired from their job.

C. Writes Mills.
An awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society, and the ability to veiw our society as an outsider might, rather than relying only on our individual perspective, which is shaped by our cultural biases

Study of physical features of nature and the ways they interact and change

Study of the social features of humans and the ways they interact and change

A statement of how and why specific facts are related in order to explain social behavior

heory building is the process of?

Linking facts to create meaning and understanding

To build a theory, sociologists are guided by one of three main approaches or perspectives

1. Functionalist perspective
2. Conflict perspective
3. Interactionist perspective

Functionalist perspective

Emphasizes that parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability

From a functionalist perspective society is view as?

Vast network of conected parts, each of which helps to maintain the system as a whole

Key words in a functionalist perspective?

Cohesion, balance, solidarity

Early structural/functionalists:

Comte, Durkheim, SPencer, Merton, and Parsons.

Sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and changes

Conflict perspective emphasizes?

The distribution of power and allocation of resources

Conflict perspective investigates?

How factors such as social class, race, gener, ethnicity, and ages are linked unequal distribution of resources

Conflict perspective studies how people on top strive to?

Protect their privileges while the disadvantaged try to gain more for themselves

Conflict perspective considers how?

Status quo is established and maintained, and who benefits and who suffers from existing system

Early conflict theorists?

Interactionist Perspective?

Sees society s the product of everyday interactions of individuals

Interactionist perspective sees human beings as?

Creatures who live in a world of symbols, attaching meaning to everything

Interactionists Perspective views reality as?

How we define our surroundings, our obligations, even how we see ourselves

Interactionists perspective views society as?

A complex, ever-changing mosaic of subjective meanings

nteractionist Perspective relates us to?

Actors on a stage as we play our various roles

Early Interactionist theorists

George H, Mead, Erving Goffman

Sought to establish a science of society that would reveal basic "laws of society"
-Coined the term "sociology"

Wrote the frist book on sociolgical theory
-Introduced the significance of inequality and power into the discipline

-Emphasized the significance of social order
-Introduced concept of anomie

Loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior becomes ineffective.
Ex. Hurricane

Emphasized the significance of power and control over resources
-Social inequality determined by ownership, or lack thereof, or material resources

Loss of control over our creative human capacity to produce, seperation from products we make, and isolation from fellow workers

Argued that who has power not only determined by social class and ownership or material resources but also by social status and organizational resources

Combined emphasis on analysis of everyday lived experience with commitment to investigating power and inequality based on race
-Revealed social processes that contributed to maintenace of racial seperation

Early Feminist
-Argued that societies can be judged on whether the principle they claim to beleive in mathc their actions

Ida Wells-Barnett used her analysis of society to?

Which sociological perspective would argue that laws reinforce the positions of those in power?

Which sociological perspective would argue that laws reinforce the positions of those in power? functionalists. All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is a functionalist perspective quizlet?

Which of the following is a functionalist perspective? Society is structured to maintain stability.

What is a perspective in sociology?

Theories in sociology provide us with different perspectives with which to view our social world. A perspective is simply a way of looking at the world. A theory is a set of interrelated propositions or principles designed to answer a question or explain a particular phenomenon; it provides us with a perspective.

What is the sociological perspective quizlet?

sociological perspective. the ability to see the general in the particular. this perspective directs one to see the link between the societal or social content (the general) and the behavior of individuals (the particular) sociology. the systematic study of human society and social interaction.