Which term would the nurse use to describe a female client who states that she no longer enjoys any of the activities that she wants found fun and pleasurable?

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a syndrome characterized by the development of symptoms after an extremely traumatic event. Symptoms include helplessness, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, memories, images, emotional numbing, loss of interest, avoidance of any place that reminds the affected person of the traumatic event, poor concentration, irritability, startle reactions, jumpiness, and hypervigilance. Delusions are beliefs that guide one's interpretation of events and help make sense of disorder. Common delusions among older adults involve being poisoned, having their assets taken by their children, being held prisoner, and being deceived by a spouse or lover. Hallucinations are visual or auditory perceptions of nonexistent objects and sounds. Older adults with hearing and vision deficits may hear voices or see people who are not actually present. OCD is characterized by recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, and urges of ritualistic behaviors that improve the affected person's comfort level.


Decreased sexual desire is a major symptom of clinical depression. Other vegetative signs of depression include changes in bowel elimination, eating habits, and sleeping patterns. Although depression is often related to unmet dependency needs, the decreased sexual desire is associated with the depression, not the unmet dependency needs. The sexual difficulties are associated with the depression, and the depression, not the sexual difficulties, may be the major cause of marital stress. Also, there are no data indicating marital stress. Role confusion, not identity confusion, is usually associated with depression.

What term describes a display of anger that is socially unacceptable?

Which term describes a display of anger that is socially unacceptable? Aggression is manifest when behaviors are socially and emotionally unacceptable.

Which behavior indicates that the client has learned the most effective method to cope with anger?

Talking about angry feelings is better than acting them out; this response indicates that the client has learned a positive coping method. Although taking a long jog or going to the basement to scream may help, it is an isolated activity that does not permit sharing of feelings and may not always be possible.

Which behavior is characteristic of panic during a crisis?

People with panic disorder have frequent and unexpected panic attacks. These attacks are characterized by a sudden wave of fear or discomfort or a sense of losing control even when there is no clear danger or trigger.

Which factor would precipitate a client use of confabulation?

Confabulation can be precipitated by internal factors (e.g., cognitive deficits) or external factors (e.g., repeated questioning or negative feedback in stressful situations).